Friday, July 17, 2009

Doctor Diagnosed You Have Diabetes! Can You Live With It?

O.K. so you have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is not a death sentence. It is possible for you to stop, slow down or control the disease. You can take charge of your diabetes and stop, slow down, or prevent the complications of diabetes from taking over your body. It is up to you! Click Here!

You need to find out everything you can about diabetes. First of all, you need to find out what blood sugar levels mean. Secondly, you need an understanding of what causes blood sugar levels to rise. And lastly, you need to find out what you must do to lower your blood sugar levels and keep them low. Click Here!

Blood sugar levels is the amount of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream. Everyone has glucose in their body because it is what supplies the energy for the body to operate. What is important to find out is what makes the blood sugar levels go high, then you can discover ways to lower glucose and return them to normal levels.Click Here!

Blood sugar is found in the bloodstream when someone eats food high in carbohydrates. If your body is producing enough insulin (a hormone), then insulin will perform its job and convert the sugar in the blood to energy. When there is not enough insulin in the body to successfully convert the glucose to energy to be used by the body, then medications, perhaps even insulin shots, will be prescribed to do the job. It is then a real possibility medications, including constant visits to doctors, will be required for the rest of your life. Click Here!

High blood sugar levels cannot be left uncontrolled. They must be lowered because high blood sugar levels can cause untold damage to the major organs of the body, including the eyes, heart, kidneys, circulatory and nerve systems. Complications caused by high blood sugar over an extended period of time may be irreversible and seriously jeopardize your quality of life for the rest of your life!Click Here!

Here are some tips to help you lower your blood sugar levels and keep them lower:
1) Stop eating foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.
2) If you eat carbohydrates, avoid the "white" ones and foods made with white flour.
3) If overweight, get thin! The body works more efficiently without extra weight.
4) Get 8 hours of sleep every night. This helps your insulin perform its job better.
5) Reduce your stress. Take walks, learn breathing techniques, or meditate.
6) Exercise more and do it regularly. Click Here!

Remember it is up to you to change your life. Just Do It!

Do not let diabetes rob you of your quality of Life. JUST DO IT! Click Here!

Take care until next time…

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