Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Here is a Simple Plan to Stop Diabetes. Can You Do It?

So you have been given the diagnosis - type 2 diabetes. That is what you have. You have to face it, live with it and get on with your life. It is time to make some decisions about your future. Do you want to control the diabetes or let it control you? Earliest Sign of Diabetes

I bet you have heard it all before. The way to control diabetes is through diet and exercise. Change your lifestyle. Years of doing things one way must be replaced with doing it a different way. Instead of eating all those carbohydrates you love, you have to learn to love other kinds of foods. Instead of laying back in that recliner you have to get up and start doing that exercise program you are always planning to start.

You should have made these changes years ago but you were too complacent, too happy with the way things were. Who noticed those extra pounds you packed on over the years? Those family gatherings would not have been the same without your pecan pies and chicken and dumplings, would they? Click Here!

Well, life is about changes! You have to learn to roll with the flow. You must meet the challenges life sends your way, head on, isn't that what they say? So you have diabetes, so what? You can learn to deal with this. It just another bump in the road. The road would be boring to travel if it were too smooth. You would become too complacent.Earliest Sign of Diabetes

You must simply decide if you want to live with type 2 diabetes 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year or if you want to try and reverse it. You can reverse it you know! Lots of others have done it. Change your diet plan and start your exercise plan. Very simple things you can do! Click Here!

Changing your lifestyle now after all these years will not be easy! You have an easy plan to follow: change your diet and start exercising. It is only 2 things you have to remember to do. 2 simple things you must do, but it is an entire lifetime of changing the rules, old habits, ingrained ideas about the good life, traditions, and a whole way of life!

It is up to you. You can do it one day at a time. It is just like the rules at AA! Take one day at a time! Earliest Sign of Diabetes

First you start by changing the diet. You are what you eat. You love sweets, carbohydrates and junk food. A simple way to start would be to get off the sweets. Stop eating foods crammed full of sugar and stop drinking the sugar! Take a week, 7 days, and stop eating and using sugar. White refined sugar and all of the products you make with it are taboo. Get off the sugar and you will never miss it. This includes diet foods filled with artificial sweeteners as well. They are full of carbohydrates which brings me to the next thing you need to do. Click Here!

Stop eating carbohydrates in massive amounts. There are 2 kinds of Carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple ones are the sugary kind, easy to digest and that load your body up with sugar. Complex ones are the kind you want to eat. You want to spread them out over the entire day. It takes the body longer to digest complex ones and all the sugar does not enter your body at once. You can find complete lists of both kinds of carbohydrates online.

Once you start doing this you will see start seeing lower blood sugar levels, weight loss, improvement in insulin resistance, and lower blood pressure. All of these factors contribute to high blood sugar levels. Just a simple change in the way you eat and the kind of carbohydrates you eat can greatly improve all of these. Click Here!

Then, start your exercise plan. Exercise, done on a regular basis, reduces the amount of body fat, increases your metabolic rate, reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL), increases good cholesterol (HDL), and reduces blood sugar levels. All the things you need to change begin changing with a regular exercise plan! Earliest Sign of Diabetes

Now you are taking the right steps to change your lifestyle! Just keep up the good work and you can live a long healthy great quality of life. It is up to you. You are now on the right road. No one said it would be easy to stay on the right road. There will be pitfalls along the way. You will slide and find yourself eating the things you should not eat and not doing the exercise. When you fall off the path, just get back up and start again. Click Here!

It is a simple plan. 2 things to do. Change your diet and start exercising!

Take care until next time.

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