Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Diabetes is Widespread. Can You Avoid Getting It?

Diabetes is growing with alarming speed in the United States. There are 23 to 24 million Americans with diabetes today and 57 million Americans with pre diabetes. The numbers have reached epidemic proportions and are growing in volume daily. Click Here!

Medical personnel are constantly stating two (2) facts that have a great deal to do with people who develop diabetes. Those 2 facts are (1) being overweight and (2) heredity. Being overweight can be changed with proper diet and exercise, but little can be done about heredity.

The number of diabetics is increasing and this disease is not contagious. A person becomes a diabetic because (1) he is born with diabetes, or (2) he becomes a diabetic because his body quits producing insulin or his body does not use insulin properly. The first kind of diabetes is known a s juvenile diabetes and the second kind is labeled type 2 diabetes. Click Here!

If your family has a history of diabetes, then you are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The only thing you can do in this instance to lower your risk of developing diabetes is to fight the other factors that cause people to develop diabetes. That means you need to lose weight if you are overweight, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. If you do so, you can lower these risk factors and you may beat the odds of developing diabetes.

If you can lower your risk factors for developing diabetes, then there may be a possibility you will not become a diabetic. It is an uphill battle however. You have to change your lifestyle. Your whole life must change if you plan to stop yourself from developing diabetes. You may eat right, cut down on carbohydrates and calories, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less fat, quit eating sugar, and eat smaller meals throughout the day, and exercise regularly. It still may not prevent your developing diabetes, but it gives you better odds. Click Here!

You see, diabetes is high blood sugar levels or excess glucose in the blood and the urine. Sometimes you can do all things right and still develop diabetes. Not even the doctors know why. It all goes back to family history. That is the one factor over which we have little control.

If, however, you fight diabetes and do keep it from developing in your body, then it will be well worth it. You see, diabetes can begin and you will not know it is working in your body. It can work for years with very little warning. Usually the first signs of diabetes is so slight, we think it is something that is causing it. We do not think of diabetes until the warning sings are severe. Then we know and the doctor knows, we are looking at type 2 diabetes. Click Here!

Those severs signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, frequent urination, feeling hungry more than ever, losing weight, being cranky and moody, cuts that are slow to heal, and numbness in hands and feet. So many times we have one of those symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the hands and we blame carpal tunnel because we work at a keyboard all day. It is not until we have 2 or 3 or 4 symptoms we begin to look at diabetes as the cause.

If you have any symptom listed here and you have a family history of diabetes, go to the doctor. They can run tests and determine if you are diabetic or not. Do not wait. The complications of diabetes are too severe to put it off even for a moment! Do not take a chance. The sooner you are diagnosed, the sooner you can begin to halt the progress of the disease. Click Here!

In my next article, I will let you know the complications of diabetes and, in the meantime, let everyone you know read this article, especially if they are at risk for developing diabetes!

In the meantime, take care, eat healthy and exercise!

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