Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Diabetes Grows On You! Has It Overtaken Your life Yet?

Would you know if you were a diabetic? How do you know you have diabetes? How can you tell if diabetes is growing on you? Can you feel it growing inside you? Do you feel different? Click Here!

The absolute truth is most people do not know they have diabetes until it is too late! What does that mean "until it is too late?" Click Here!

Many people are walking around with diabetes growing on them and they do not know it. Some 8% of the population do not know they have diabetes. They have not been tested for it. And, you know the sad part of it is, you often do not know you have diabetes until you begin to suffer the symptoms of the disease.

By then, it is usually too late. Diabetes has already grown on the person and the affects of the complications of diabetes have already set in. What does that mean? It means diabetes has gone unchecked for years, and the excess sugar in the blood and the urine have begun to cause problems to the heart, eyes, kidneys, etc. Click Here!

The risk factors of developing diabetes are…

(1) a family history of diabetes
(2) being overweight
(3) being a couch potato
(4) if over the age of 45 and especially if over the age of 65
(5) if you are African American, Hispanic, American Latino, American Indian, Native Alaskan, Asian American, or Pacific Islander. Click Here!

and if you are in any of these groups, you should be tested for diabetes as soon as possible because you have a predisposition to developing diabetes. You need to know if you have the disease and if you are, then you can form a game plan to beat the disease.

If you find yourself to be in one or more of the risk factor groups for diabetes, then there are a couple of things you can do to lower your risks. You can lose weight, if you are overweight. You can get up off the couch and quit being a couch potato. Start a program of regular exercise and keep it up. Click Here!

Get on a diet of fruits, vegetables, less carbohydrates, no sugar, and less bread. It has been shown that a life of regular exercise and a healthy diet can turn diabetes around. It can stop or slow down the progression of the diabetes and the affects of the disease on your body.

It is in your hands and you can change the outcome! Do not fall victim to heart disease, kidney failure, or blindness due to diabetes. Do not lose a leg to diabetes. You can prevent that happening! Just change your diet, your lack of no exercise, and do what the doctor tells you! Just Do It! Watch your life change before your eyes. Click Here!

Fight diabetes and win! Do not become another number in the statistics for diabetes!

Get up! Throw that couch away! Better yet, throw that television away! Get moving!

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